Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107
http://endeflores-herbalphytotherapy.... ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Saturday, 25 July 2015
Internet Mahal di Indonesia Timur, BRTI Panggil Telkomsel
Sebuah petisi dibuat oleh salah satu anggota bernama akun Djali Gafur. Dia menyuarakan keresahannya sebagai pelanggan Telkomsel yang membebankan tarif internet lebih mahal di zona Indonesia Timur.
Di awal pembukaan tulisan, dia mengatakan bahwa internet dengan Telkomsel dapat menyebabkan gagap teknologi, kemiskinan, melatih diskriminasi, menyebabkan pecah-belah bangsa, iri hati, dengki, benci dan ingkar pada NKRI.Pembukaan yang tegas dan sarkas tersebut dilanjutkan dengan keluh kesahnya terhadap pembagian zona tarif internet oleh Telkomsel. Pembagian ini dibagi ke dalam 12 zona dengan 6 zona beda lainnya.
Baca: Tarif Internet Kemahalan, Pelanggan Telkomsel Teriak
Semakin ke ujung Indonesia, maka semakin mahal pula tarif yang dibebankan. Malahan ditulis, perbedaan harga antara zona 1 dan zona 12 bisa mencapai 100 persen.
"Telkomsel mungkin tidak menyadari bahwa pembagian 12 zona itu jadi semacam Shadow State, Negara Bayangan di dunia maya, namun nyata terasa di detak dada yang jelata. Mirip slogannya, “Makin Indonesia TELKOMSEL Begitu Dekat Begitu Nyata”. Memang terasa nyata sekali tarifnya mencekik." tulisnya di yang CNN Indonesia kutip.
Dengan kondisi tersebut, penulis petisi mengatakan bahwa mengakses internet di daerah NTT, Maluku dan Papua adalah satu kemewahan tersendiri.
"Kami harus mampu mengelola pendapatan pas-pasan biar tidak ketinggalan zaman. Kami bisa belajar banyak hal dari internet dan semua itu telah memberi kontribusi postif dalam hidup kami. Meskipun kami sadar, bila terlalu sering beli paket data internet maka kami bisa kurang gizi dan miskin mendadak."
Tulisan tersebut terlihat tidak tendesius, terbukti dia mengaku sebagai pengguna setia Telkomsel dan tidak ingin berpindah ke lain operator.
"Kami juga paham, Telkomsel adalah BUMN. Lini bisnis yang punya sumbangsi besar bagi APBN. Bayangkan, pada 2014 laba bersih Telkomsel itu Rp.66,25 triliun atau naik 10% dari tahun sebelumnya. Ini BUMN masa depan yang harus dijaga, dirawat sepenuh jiwa-raga."
"Berpindah ke lain hati (provider) bukanlah watak kami. Sejak pertama membeli HP kartu pertama yang tertanam adalah Telkomsel. Hingga tak jarang ada yang sudah setia 5 tahun, 10 tahun atau bahkan 15 tahun hidup bersama Telkomsel. Romantis sekali."
Di ujung kalimat petisi ini, permintaan mereka tidak muluk-muluk. Tujuannya adalah ingin agar Telkomsel kembali bijak dalam menetapkan tarif internet yang dirasa kelewat mahal untuk mereka.
"Owh Telkemsel.... dengarlah jeritan suara kami. Suara yang keluar dari lubuk hati kami paling dalam. Setulus-tulusnya cinta.
Wahai Telkomsel yang bijak-bestari. Sudilah kiranya engkau mengabulkan permohonan kami yang sahaya ini. Tak banyak, cuma satu, satu saja. Biar Tuan Untung Terus dan kami bahagia lahir-batin.
Hapus kebijakan zonasi paket data internet. Tentukan tariff reguler yang manusiawi, masuk akal, realistis dan visioner. Ini bukan hanya untuk masadepan Telkomsel tapi juga MasaDepan Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia."
Di awal pembukaan tulisan, dia mengatakan bahwa internet dengan Telkomsel dapat menyebabkan gagap teknologi, kemiskinan, melatih diskriminasi, menyebabkan pecah-belah bangsa, iri hati, dengki, benci dan ingkar pada NKRI.Pembukaan yang tegas dan sarkas tersebut dilanjutkan dengan keluh kesahnya terhadap pembagian zona tarif internet oleh Telkomsel. Pembagian ini dibagi ke dalam 12 zona dengan 6 zona beda lainnya.
Baca: Tarif Internet Kemahalan, Pelanggan Telkomsel Teriak
Semakin ke ujung Indonesia, maka semakin mahal pula tarif yang dibebankan. Malahan ditulis, perbedaan harga antara zona 1 dan zona 12 bisa mencapai 100 persen.
"Telkomsel mungkin tidak menyadari bahwa pembagian 12 zona itu jadi semacam Shadow State, Negara Bayangan di dunia maya, namun nyata terasa di detak dada yang jelata. Mirip slogannya, “Makin Indonesia TELKOMSEL Begitu Dekat Begitu Nyata”. Memang terasa nyata sekali tarifnya mencekik." tulisnya di yang CNN Indonesia kutip.
Dengan kondisi tersebut, penulis petisi mengatakan bahwa mengakses internet di daerah NTT, Maluku dan Papua adalah satu kemewahan tersendiri.
"Kami harus mampu mengelola pendapatan pas-pasan biar tidak ketinggalan zaman. Kami bisa belajar banyak hal dari internet dan semua itu telah memberi kontribusi postif dalam hidup kami. Meskipun kami sadar, bila terlalu sering beli paket data internet maka kami bisa kurang gizi dan miskin mendadak."
Tulisan tersebut terlihat tidak tendesius, terbukti dia mengaku sebagai pengguna setia Telkomsel dan tidak ingin berpindah ke lain operator.
"Kami juga paham, Telkomsel adalah BUMN. Lini bisnis yang punya sumbangsi besar bagi APBN. Bayangkan, pada 2014 laba bersih Telkomsel itu Rp.66,25 triliun atau naik 10% dari tahun sebelumnya. Ini BUMN masa depan yang harus dijaga, dirawat sepenuh jiwa-raga."
"Berpindah ke lain hati (provider) bukanlah watak kami. Sejak pertama membeli HP kartu pertama yang tertanam adalah Telkomsel. Hingga tak jarang ada yang sudah setia 5 tahun, 10 tahun atau bahkan 15 tahun hidup bersama Telkomsel. Romantis sekali."
Di ujung kalimat petisi ini, permintaan mereka tidak muluk-muluk. Tujuannya adalah ingin agar Telkomsel kembali bijak dalam menetapkan tarif internet yang dirasa kelewat mahal untuk mereka.
"Owh Telkemsel.... dengarlah jeritan suara kami. Suara yang keluar dari lubuk hati kami paling dalam. Setulus-tulusnya cinta.
Wahai Telkomsel yang bijak-bestari. Sudilah kiranya engkau mengabulkan permohonan kami yang sahaya ini. Tak banyak, cuma satu, satu saja. Biar Tuan Untung Terus dan kami bahagia lahir-batin.
Hapus kebijakan zonasi paket data internet. Tentukan tariff reguler yang manusiawi, masuk akal, realistis dan visioner. Ini bukan hanya untuk masadepan Telkomsel tapi juga MasaDepan Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia."
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Batu Akik - Batu Fosil Telur Naga Harga 5 Miliar
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107
http://endeflores-herbalphytotherapy.... ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107
http://endeflores-herbalphytotherapy.... ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Monday, 20 July 2015
Saturday, 18 July 2015
Berita Terbaru - Arab Saudi Serang Pemberontak Yaman
Who We Are
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
rencana syiah menyerang mekkah dan madinah terjemah indonesia YouTube
Who We Are
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Thursday, 16 July 2015
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri
Who We Are
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Tutorial Jaringan Gerindra
Who We Are
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Monday, 13 July 2015
Batu Biru Langit - Blue Chalcedony - Indonesian Gemstone
Batu Akik Baturaja, merupakan jenis batuan yang berasal dari
baturaja, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu, Sumatera Selatan. Ada banyak
varian batu “blue chalcedony”/ biru laut di temukan di daerah tersebut.
Batu baturaja biru laut sudah di kenal di era tahun 80 an, dimana
waktu itu ada salah seorang penambang tradisional yang bernama kakek
kunik yang sekarang berusia hampir 100th menjadi salah satu tokoh
pengrajin sekaligus penemu batu tersebut. Beliau menemukan batu biru
laut di daerah penambangan di desa simpang empat, talang ogan.
Batu baturaja ini termasuk salah satu batu mulia asal indonesia yang
memiliki warna biru yang bervariasi. warna biru yang bervariasi
menjadikan tampilan batu ini punya karakter dan ciri khas tersendiri.
1. Batu Baturaja Spirtus
2. Batu Baturaja Biru
3. Batu Baturaja Biru Langit
4. Batu Baturaja Hijau
5. Batu Baturaja Serat Kura
Untuk harga satu cincin batu Baturaja jenis spirtus dengan kualitas
super berwarna biru tua, harga termahalnya mencapai Rp 150.000.000.
Sedangkan Bongkahan batu baturaja spirtus sendiri mencapai 800.000 per
• Mempunyai ciri khas warna biru kristal dengan kekerasan mencapai 7 mohs.
• Jika Batu di letakkan / di tempelkan di pipi, akan terasa dingin.
• Jika di sulut dengan api putung rokok atau di bakar dengan korek
api, maka tidak akan ada perubahan warna gosong atau titik meleleh pada
• Meski dibakar batu akan panas dan kembali cepat mendingin, beda
dengan kimia plastik atau kaca buatan, yang akan cukup lama menyimpan
hangat atau panas.
• Lihat serat didalamnya dengan menerawang, jika asli serat dalam batu terlihat seperti retak-retak dan motif alami.
• Tanyakan kepada ahlinya atau laboratorium untuk menguji kandungan batu.
• Di pakai setiap hari. Menurut sumber yang terpercaya memakai
batu cincin setiap hari bisa membuat batu semakin bagus (tua) dan cepat
mengeluarkan warna aslinya.
• Bersihkan dengan berkala menggunakan cairan pembersih ringan seperti sabun
• Oleskan baby oil atau minyak zaitun untuk membuat warna semakin menarik
• Untuk mengkilapkan batu gunakan kertas intan / kulit
• Ketika tidak di pakai, jangan letakkan batu di dekat alat kosmetik yang banyak mengandung zat kimia.
Batu Baturaja secara umum di percaya memiliki khasiat tersendiri, diantaranya :
• Dari Warna bebatuan ini memunculkan sumber energi di bagian kepala (ubun-ubun), cakra tertinggi (yang ke tujuh)
• Di yakini menghasilkan getaran-getaran yang positif untuk membantu
menciptakan harmonisasi, kesembuhan dan menjaga kesehatan tubuh.
• Memberikan kejernihan bathin ketenangan
• Penyembuhan Bathin
• Peredam amarah
Batu Akik Baturaja, merupakan jenis batuan yang berasal dari
baturaja, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu, Sumatera Selatan. Ada banyak
varian batu “blue chalcedony”/ biru laut di temukan di daerah tersebut.
Batu baturaja biru laut sudah di kenal di era tahun 80 an, dimana
waktu itu ada salah seorang penambang tradisional yang bernama kakek
kunik yang sekarang berusia hampir 100th menjadi salah satu tokoh
pengrajin sekaligus penemu batu tersebut. Beliau menemukan batu biru
laut di daerah penambangan di desa simpang empat, talang ogan.
Batu baturaja ini termasuk salah satu batu mulia asal indonesia yang
memiliki warna biru yang bervariasi. warna biru yang bervariasi
menjadikan tampilan batu ini punya karakter dan ciri khas tersendiri.
1. Batu Baturaja Spirtus

Untuk harga satu cincin batu Baturaja jenis spirtus dengan kualitas
super berwarna biru tua, harga termahalnya mencapai Rp 150.000.000.
Sedangkan Bongkahan batu baturaja spirtus sendiri mencapai 800.000 per
• Mempunyai ciri khas warna biru kristal dengan kekerasan mencapai 7 mohs.
• Jika Batu di letakkan / di tempelkan di pipi, akan terasa dingin.
• Jika di sulut dengan api putung rokok atau di bakar dengan korek
api, maka tidak akan ada perubahan warna gosong atau titik meleleh pada
• Meski dibakar batu akan panas dan kembali cepat mendingin, beda
dengan kimia plastik atau kaca buatan, yang akan cukup lama menyimpan
hangat atau panas.
• Lihat serat didalamnya dengan menerawang, jika asli serat dalam batu terlihat seperti retak-retak dan motif alami.
• Tanyakan kepada ahlinya atau laboratorium untuk menguji kandungan batu.
• Di pakai setiap hari. Menurut sumber yang terpercaya memakai
batu cincin setiap hari bisa membuat batu semakin bagus (tua) dan cepat
mengeluarkan warna aslinya.
• Bersihkan dengan berkala menggunakan cairan pembersih ringan seperti sabun
• Oleskan baby oil atau minyak zaitun untuk membuat warna semakin menarik
• Untuk mengkilapkan batu gunakan kertas intan / kulit
• Ketika tidak di pakai, jangan letakkan batu di dekat alat kosmetik yang banyak mengandung zat kimia.
Batu Baturaja secara umum di percaya memiliki khasiat tersendiri, diantaranya :
• Dari Warna bebatuan ini memunculkan sumber energi di bagian kepala (ubun-ubun), cakra tertinggi (yang ke tujuh)
• Di yakini menghasilkan getaran-getaran yang positif untuk membantu
menciptakan harmonisasi, kesembuhan dan menjaga kesehatan tubuh.
• Memberikan kejernihan bathin ketenangan
• Penyembuhan Bathin
• Peredam amarah
Sunday, 12 July 2015
Top ten anti-material sniper rifles in the World
Kota Kupang mengalami gangguan jaringan internet dan telepon yang
parah selama 8 jam pada Minggu (11/7) mulai pukul 11.00-19.00 Wita.
Gangguan ini terjadi jelang kedatangan Wakil Presiden (Wapres) Jusuf
Kalla ke Kupang untuk menghadiri peringatan HUT Koperasi ke 68. Jusuf
Kalla tiba di Bandara El Tari sekitar pukul 14.30 Wita, sampai upacara
perayaan HUT Koperasi berakhir, jaringan telepon tidak kunjung normal.
Kondisi ini mengakibatkan aktivitas sebagian besar warga yang
menggunakan internet lumpuh termasuk wartawan. Wartawan yang meliput
kegiatan Jusuf Kalla juga tidak mampu berbuat banyak.
Sesuai pantuan, akibat gangguan ini, selama kurun waktu tersebut
tidak ada laporan kegiatan wakil presiden dari Kupang yang ditayangkan
di media online.
Warga yang menanti kedatangan Jusuf Kalla juga mengeluh karena tidak dapat mengirim pesan singkat. Begitu pula aparat keamanan.
Terkait lumpuhnya jaringan telepon dan internet tersebut sampai
Minggu malam, tidak pemberitahuan terutama dari Telkomsel sebagai salah
satu penyedia jaringan selular di Kota Kupang. Apalagi meminta maaf
kepada pelanggan.
“Operator di Kupang tahu bahwa jaringan telepon dan internet lumput
tetapi mereka acuh. Mereka anggap biasa dan tidak perlu meminta maaf
kepada pelanggan,” kata Kristoforus, warga Kelurahan Liliba.
Ia mengatakan para pelanggan Telkomsel dapat menuntut ganti rugi dari operator telepon seluler terkait gangguan tersebut.
parah selama 8 jam pada Minggu (11/7) mulai pukul 11.00-19.00 Wita.
Gangguan ini terjadi jelang kedatangan Wakil Presiden (Wapres) Jusuf
Kalla ke Kupang untuk menghadiri peringatan HUT Koperasi ke 68. Jusuf
Kalla tiba di Bandara El Tari sekitar pukul 14.30 Wita, sampai upacara
perayaan HUT Koperasi berakhir, jaringan telepon tidak kunjung normal.
Kondisi ini mengakibatkan aktivitas sebagian besar warga yang
menggunakan internet lumpuh termasuk wartawan. Wartawan yang meliput
kegiatan Jusuf Kalla juga tidak mampu berbuat banyak.
Sesuai pantuan, akibat gangguan ini, selama kurun waktu tersebut
tidak ada laporan kegiatan wakil presiden dari Kupang yang ditayangkan
di media online.
Warga yang menanti kedatangan Jusuf Kalla juga mengeluh karena tidak dapat mengirim pesan singkat. Begitu pula aparat keamanan.
Terkait lumpuhnya jaringan telepon dan internet tersebut sampai
Minggu malam, tidak pemberitahuan terutama dari Telkomsel sebagai salah
satu penyedia jaringan selular di Kota Kupang. Apalagi meminta maaf
kepada pelanggan.
“Operator di Kupang tahu bahwa jaringan telepon dan internet lumput
tetapi mereka acuh. Mereka anggap biasa dan tidak perlu meminta maaf
kepada pelanggan,” kata Kristoforus, warga Kelurahan Liliba.
Ia mengatakan para pelanggan Telkomsel dapat menuntut ganti rugi dari operator telepon seluler terkait gangguan tersebut.
Saturday, 11 July 2015
I Will Remember You 9/11
Who We Are
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Thursday, 9 July 2015
Haifa Wehbe - Yabn El Halal HD 2010
When you pick up the phone, who you’re calling is none of the government’s business. The NSA’s domestic surveillance of phone metadata was the first program to be disclosed based on documents from whistleblower Edward Snowden, and Americans have been furious about it ever since. The courts ruled it illegal, and Congress let the section of the Patriot Act that justified it expire (though the program lives on in a different form as part of the USA Freedom Act).
Yet XKEYSCORE, the secret program that converts all the data it can see into searchable events like web pages loaded, files downloaded, forms submitted, emails and attachments sent, porn videos watched, TV shows streamed, and advertisements loaded, demonstrates how Internet traffic can be even more sensitive than phone calls. And unlike the Patriot Act’s phone metadata program, Congress has failed to limit the scope of programs like XKEYSCORE, which is presumably still operating at full speed. Maybe Verizon stopped giving phone metadata to the NSA, but if a Verizon engineer uploads a spreadsheet full of this metadata without proper encryption, the NSA may well get it anyway by spying directly on the cables that the spreadsheet travels over.
The outrage over bulk collection of our phone metadata makes sense: Metadata is private. Americans call suicide prevention hotlines, HIV testing services, phone sex services, advocacy groups for gun rights and for abortion rights, and the people they’re having affairs with. We use the phone to schedule job interviews without letting our current employer know, and to manage long-distance relationships. Most of us, at one point or another, have spent long hours on the phone discussing the most intimate details about our lives. There isn’t an American alive today who didn’t grow up with at least some access to a telephone, so Americans understand this well.
But Americans don’t understand the Internet yet. Bulk collection of phone metadata is, without a doubt, a violation of your privacy, but bulk surveillance of Internet traffic is orders of magnitude more invasive. People also use the Internet in all the ways they use phones — often inadvertently sharing even more intimate details through online searches. In fact, the phone network itself is starting to go over the Internet, without customers even noticing.
XKEYSCORE, as well as NSA’s programs that tap the Internet directly and feed data into it, have some legal problems: They violate First Amendment rights to freedom of association; they violate the Wiretap Act. But the biggest and most obvious concerns are with the Fourth Amendment.
The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is short and concise:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
It means that Americans have a right to privacy. If government agents want to search you or seize your data, they must have a warrant. The warrant can only be issued if they have probable cause, and the warrant must be specific. It can’t say, “We want to seize everyone’s Internet traffic to see what’s in it.” Instead, it must say something like, “We want to seize a specific incriminating document from a specific suspect.”
But this is exactly what’s happening:
The government is indiscriminately seizing Internet traffic to see what’s in it, without probable cause. The ostensible justification is that, while tens of millions of Americans may be swept up in this dragnet, the real targets are foreigners. In a legal document called USSID 18, the NSA sets out policies and procedures that purportedly prevent unreasonable searches of data from U.S. persons.
But it doesn’t prevent, or even claim to prevent, unreasonable seizures.
Kurt Opsahl, general counsel of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, explains: “We have a fundamental disagreement with the government about whether [data] acquisition is a problem. Acquisition is a seizure and has to be compliant with the Fourth Amendment.”
If you read USSID 18 carefully, you’ll see that it appears to limit, with many exceptions, the government’s ability to intentionally collect data concerning U.S. persons. But the Department of Defense, under which the NSA operates, defines “collection” differently than most of us do. It doesn’t consider seized data as “collected” until it’s been queried by a human.
If you email your mom, there’s a good chance the NSA will intercept the message as it travels through a fiberoptic cable, such as the ones that make up the backbone of the Internet, eventually making its way to an XKEYSCORE field site. You can thwart this with encryption: either by encrypting your email (hopefully someday all parents will know how to use encrypted email), or by using email servers that automatically encrypt with each other. In the absence of such encryption, XKEYSCORE will process the email, fingerprint it and tag it, and then it will sit in a database waiting to be queried. According to the Department of Defense, this email hasn’t been “collected” until an analyst runs a query and the email appears on the screen in front of them.
When NSA seizes, in bulk, data belonging to U.S. citizens or residents, data that inevitably includes information from innocent people that the government does not have probable cause to investigate, the agency has already committed an unconstitutional “unreasonable seizure,” even if analysts never query the data about innocent U.S. persons.
The NSA has legal justifications for all their surveillance: Section 215 of the Patriot Act, now expired, was used to justify bulk collection of phone and email metadata. Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) is currently used to justify so-called “upstream” collection, tapping the physical infrastructure that the Internet uses to route traffic across the country and around the world in order to import into systems like XKEYSCORE. Executive Order 12333, approved by President Reagan, outlines vague rules, which are littered with exceptions and loopholes, that the executive branch made for itself to follow regarding spying on Americans, which includes USSID 18.
But these laws and regulations ignore the uncomfortable truth that the Fourth Amendment requires surveillance of Americans to be targeted; it cannot be done in bulk. Americans are fighting to end bulk surveillance in dozens of lawsuits, including Jewel v. NSA, which relies on whistleblower-obtained evidence that NSA tapped the fiber optic cables that carry Internet traffic in AT&T’s Folsom Street building in San Francisco. It’s easy for the government to stall cases like this, or get them dismissed, by insisting that talking about it at all puts our national security at risk.
And, of course, let’s not forget the 6.8 billion people on Earth who are not in the United States. Article 12 of the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights states:
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
The NSA has very few restrictions on spying on non-Americans (it must be for “foreign intelligence” or “counterintelligence” purposes, and not other purposes), despite XKEYSCORE and the bulk collection programs that feed it being an “arbitrary interference” with the privacy of such persons. NSA doesn’t even have restrictions on spying on allies, such as Germany and France.
Facebook feeds everywhere are decorated with baby pictures. When those babies are grown up and getting elected to Congress, maybe then Americans will understand how the Internet works, and that bulk surveillance of phone metadata is just a tiny sliver of the enormous “collect it all” bulk surveillance pie.
Yet XKEYSCORE, the secret program that converts all the data it can see into searchable events like web pages loaded, files downloaded, forms submitted, emails and attachments sent, porn videos watched, TV shows streamed, and advertisements loaded, demonstrates how Internet traffic can be even more sensitive than phone calls. And unlike the Patriot Act’s phone metadata program, Congress has failed to limit the scope of programs like XKEYSCORE, which is presumably still operating at full speed. Maybe Verizon stopped giving phone metadata to the NSA, but if a Verizon engineer uploads a spreadsheet full of this metadata without proper encryption, the NSA may well get it anyway by spying directly on the cables that the spreadsheet travels over.
The outrage over bulk collection of our phone metadata makes sense: Metadata is private. Americans call suicide prevention hotlines, HIV testing services, phone sex services, advocacy groups for gun rights and for abortion rights, and the people they’re having affairs with. We use the phone to schedule job interviews without letting our current employer know, and to manage long-distance relationships. Most of us, at one point or another, have spent long hours on the phone discussing the most intimate details about our lives. There isn’t an American alive today who didn’t grow up with at least some access to a telephone, so Americans understand this well.
But Americans don’t understand the Internet yet. Bulk collection of phone metadata is, without a doubt, a violation of your privacy, but bulk surveillance of Internet traffic is orders of magnitude more invasive. People also use the Internet in all the ways they use phones — often inadvertently sharing even more intimate details through online searches. In fact, the phone network itself is starting to go over the Internet, without customers even noticing.
XKEYSCORE, as well as NSA’s programs that tap the Internet directly and feed data into it, have some legal problems: They violate First Amendment rights to freedom of association; they violate the Wiretap Act. But the biggest and most obvious concerns are with the Fourth Amendment.
The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is short and concise:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
It means that Americans have a right to privacy. If government agents want to search you or seize your data, they must have a warrant. The warrant can only be issued if they have probable cause, and the warrant must be specific. It can’t say, “We want to seize everyone’s Internet traffic to see what’s in it.” Instead, it must say something like, “We want to seize a specific incriminating document from a specific suspect.”
But this is exactly what’s happening:
The government is indiscriminately seizing Internet traffic to see what’s in it, without probable cause. The ostensible justification is that, while tens of millions of Americans may be swept up in this dragnet, the real targets are foreigners. In a legal document called USSID 18, the NSA sets out policies and procedures that purportedly prevent unreasonable searches of data from U.S. persons.
But it doesn’t prevent, or even claim to prevent, unreasonable seizures.
Kurt Opsahl, general counsel of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, explains: “We have a fundamental disagreement with the government about whether [data] acquisition is a problem. Acquisition is a seizure and has to be compliant with the Fourth Amendment.”
If you read USSID 18 carefully, you’ll see that it appears to limit, with many exceptions, the government’s ability to intentionally collect data concerning U.S. persons. But the Department of Defense, under which the NSA operates, defines “collection” differently than most of us do. It doesn’t consider seized data as “collected” until it’s been queried by a human.
If you email your mom, there’s a good chance the NSA will intercept the message as it travels through a fiberoptic cable, such as the ones that make up the backbone of the Internet, eventually making its way to an XKEYSCORE field site. You can thwart this with encryption: either by encrypting your email (hopefully someday all parents will know how to use encrypted email), or by using email servers that automatically encrypt with each other. In the absence of such encryption, XKEYSCORE will process the email, fingerprint it and tag it, and then it will sit in a database waiting to be queried. According to the Department of Defense, this email hasn’t been “collected” until an analyst runs a query and the email appears on the screen in front of them.
When NSA seizes, in bulk, data belonging to U.S. citizens or residents, data that inevitably includes information from innocent people that the government does not have probable cause to investigate, the agency has already committed an unconstitutional “unreasonable seizure,” even if analysts never query the data about innocent U.S. persons.
The NSA has legal justifications for all their surveillance: Section 215 of the Patriot Act, now expired, was used to justify bulk collection of phone and email metadata. Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) is currently used to justify so-called “upstream” collection, tapping the physical infrastructure that the Internet uses to route traffic across the country and around the world in order to import into systems like XKEYSCORE. Executive Order 12333, approved by President Reagan, outlines vague rules, which are littered with exceptions and loopholes, that the executive branch made for itself to follow regarding spying on Americans, which includes USSID 18.
But these laws and regulations ignore the uncomfortable truth that the Fourth Amendment requires surveillance of Americans to be targeted; it cannot be done in bulk. Americans are fighting to end bulk surveillance in dozens of lawsuits, including Jewel v. NSA, which relies on whistleblower-obtained evidence that NSA tapped the fiber optic cables that carry Internet traffic in AT&T’s Folsom Street building in San Francisco. It’s easy for the government to stall cases like this, or get them dismissed, by insisting that talking about it at all puts our national security at risk.
And, of course, let’s not forget the 6.8 billion people on Earth who are not in the United States. Article 12 of the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights states:
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
The NSA has very few restrictions on spying on non-Americans (it must be for “foreign intelligence” or “counterintelligence” purposes, and not other purposes), despite XKEYSCORE and the bulk collection programs that feed it being an “arbitrary interference” with the privacy of such persons. NSA doesn’t even have restrictions on spying on allies, such as Germany and France.
Facebook feeds everywhere are decorated with baby pictures. When those babies are grown up and getting elected to Congress, maybe then Americans will understand how the Internet works, and that bulk surveillance of phone metadata is just a tiny sliver of the enormous “collect it all” bulk surveillance pie.
Wednesday, 8 July 2015
Who We Are
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
Saturday, 4 July 2015
Who We Are
Christie’s is a name and place that speaks of extraordinary art, unparalleled service and expertise, as well as international glamour. Founded in 1766 by James Christie, Christie's has since conducted the greatest and most celebrated auctions through the centuries providing a popular showcase for the unique and the beautiful. Christie’s offers around 450 auctions annually in over 80 categories, including all areas of fine and decorative arts, jewellery, photographs, collectibles, wine, and more. Prices range from $200 to over $100 million. Christie's also has a long and successful history conducting private sales for its clients in all categories, with emphasis on Post-War & Contemporary, Impressionist & Modern, Old Masters and Jewellery.
Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
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Christie’s has a global presence with 53 offices in 32 countries and 12 salerooms around the world including in London, New York, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Mumbai.
More recently, Christie’s has led the market with expanded initiatives in growth markets such as Russia, China, India and the United Arab Emirates, with successful sales and exhibitions in Beijing, Mumbai and Dubai.
KAMI BELI BAMBU PRING PETUK .HUB : WELKIS SEME 085253497000 / 085739512904 , VARMON KATHEDRAL ENDE 081353782848 , PECI ENDE 082342234933 / 082144959735 , GYLBY 082342556050 , YUS MOSSAD 081239596328 , YUS CIA 081246436667 , AKIU 081529015921 , ABAH TERJANG PRAHARA 081371003800 , ATANGGAE Pin BB 29731eb7 , MARKUS 081339520420 , SITUMORANG 081236580479 , AZEEZ +6282145726372,MBAH BAGAS PATI 081936784637 , CHING MOSSAD 081236987111 , ANDI HARSITO 082146678003 , ATAHER 082145144926 , PECI MOSSAD 085238395100 , ZULE MOSSAD 081239106299 , ZAKA MOSSAD 081246464546 , ABAH MOSSAD ALOR 081246460114 , DATA MOSSAD 081239410399 , NYOMAN MOSSAD 085239740654 , IMRAN MOSSAD 081338763611 , NUEL MOSSAD 082147698433 , JOZE TLS 0812462536697 , DATO MOSSAD 081242665622 , OMPET +6281337787607 , ALEX 081236888897 , SHEIK AZEEZ BIN BRUNEI DARUSALAM +6282145726372 , ASIU 03808005807 , YANTOM +6281246350555 , TRIDA 085239396901 , BENRA +6281339258864 , BETEM 0811382912 , ANDRE +6285253046986 / +6281246645952 , CAK NARTO +6282147609876 / +6285253231925 , ASBEL BOLA 081331051363 , HASANUDIN CIKEAS 082146511702 , JERY 08123601083 , BAYU 082146633666 , HANDO 085737538835 , NUEL 081339001754 / 085239181215 , YENI MANOE 085253728575 , SITRI 081246142938 , MEDI 085237468926 , NIRON 082146086144 , MARIANUS 081331484671 , BANG EDY 081338463444 / 081246224442 , PAMBO TENTENA 081246133289 , ABAH 085287645333 , ABAH HEN 082145095388 , UDIN 082147779723 , ABAH 082146512474 , RUSLAN 082146089243 , ALAN 082147055770 , BONI 085239180450 / 081353455353 , CHRISTO 081339462526 , FENDI 085333610079 , WELKIS SEME 085253497000 , YANUS 085230616091 , OMBON +6285253199179 , OMED 082122310852 , OMOKI 0380832346 , OMPACE 08124667940 , OMPOLCE 081339466806 , OMTOE 081339476820 , EDY DOY 081237562047 , CORNELIS 085253379218 , MUTHALIB 03808109530 / 081338608942 / 087866176482 , RIN 08523144000 , RAMLY 085739293931 / 085253318856 , RONAL 082145664724 , WANTO PIDJO 085239070323 , DAFO 085253459704 , RIDWAN MOSSAD 082147224107 ,
כד יְבָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
כה יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee
כו יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם. The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
כז וְשָׂמוּ אֶת-שְׁמִי, עַל-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וַאֲנִי, אֲבָרְכֵם. . ( tanpa perantara !!! )
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